Catalogue DVD commençant par la lettre “C”

Films 321 à 325 sur 325
Closing Your Eyes

Closing Your Eyes SVODVODDVD

September 2005. The Israelis are leaving Gaza. But how about the situation in the West Bank ?
Three Palestinian towns dying of confinement and suffocation : Nablus, the rebellious, lively and loud… Hebron, the resigned, empty and silent… Qalqilya, dying…

Cuba, As time goes by

Cuba, As time goes by SVODVODDVD

Havana 1977: One day I decided to go into exile. This film relates the return to my home town thirty years later. My clandestine camera goes at the bottom of the Cuban society,just as Fidel Castro has officially given the power to his brother Raul. He has held the bridles during forty eight years of absolute power.

Caring for the Lagoon

Caring for the Lagoon SVODVODDVD

The magnificent lagoon of Mayotte, an island in the Indian Ocean, is at the very heart of local life. The Mahorans are aware of this and try to protect it. The lagoon of Mayotte is a cradle of hope : to build a future that will be environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.

Creative Landscape

Creative Landscape SVODVODDVD

With Jean-Claude BAUMIER, Pastelist.

Inventive by nature, Jean-Claude Baumier from the Société des Pastellistes de France, recreates, with his shapes and colors of the landscapes of his environment, the Loire and the Sologne.

Collection complète des films de Jean-Yves Bilien

Collection complète des films de Jean-Yves Bilien DVD

La collection complète des films de Jean-Yves Bilien - soit 40 films qui explorent les sciences, la santé, l'écologie et la spiritualité - est au prix de 573 euros au lieu de 950 euros

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