This film is in English, but it is also available
in French.
Ce film est en anglais, mais il est également disponible
en version française.
Durée : 50 mn
Trees (50 mn)
SVODVODA motionless journey
"Arbres" (Trees) is the story of the Tree and trees. It begins with the Origins and then embarks upon a journey through the world of the tree and the trees of the world. The film reveals the huge differences and slight similarities between the Tree and Man, investigating the fascinating idea that, amongst plants, the tree fulfils the role played by man in the animal kingdom.
"Arbres" is a voyage through a new dimension of time and space, in which we meet trees that talk and walk, that are sometimes shy and sometimes crazy…
"Arbres" will challenge some received ideas, starting with the premise that though we often notice the animals that run along a tree’s branches, we rarely notice the tree itself.
Narrator : Marianne Faithfull
Botany - Ecology - Flora - Research - Essay - creative documentary - nature
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