Belchite, Aragon, is an emblematic town of the collective amnesia that struck Spain after the civil war. Today, the injured memory of the population is getting lost among the ruins of the old village, destroyed after the fratricidal fightings of the civil war and the streets of the new village, built by Franco...
Films de Marc Weymuller
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2 Films
Franco's promise SVODVOD
Mémoire - 123 mn -
Four walls and the world SVODVOD
Mémoire, Documentaire de création - 54 mn -
That year, I went back to the Island of Pico, in the Azores. I wanted to meet the writer, poet and whaler José Dias de Melo. But when I arrived, I heard he had been ill and sent to the hospital in another island of the archipelago. So I decided to wait...