Catalogue Documentaires produit en “1988”

Films 21 à 40 sur 45
Le Voyage 19

Le Voyage 19 SVODVOD

Dix-neuvième épisode (dernier)
Filmé dans 13 pays différents, sur les 5 continents et dans 8 langues, voici une réquisitoire décapant contre l’arme nucléaire. Au fil de ces images, nous comprenons la manipulation politique et médiatique de l’information sur l’armement nucléaire et ses conséquence dramatiques sur la planète et ses populations.



Déchiré dans un monde de modernité où la notion d'Avoir prime sur la notion d'Être, Marcel, un jeune religiologue occidental, décide d'aller puiser à la Source de l'antique Sagesse de l'Orient, toujours vivante, en Inde.

Musiques du Mali : les gens de la parole - 1

Musiques du Mali : les gens de la parole - 1 SVODVOD

Dans la société tra­di­tion­nelle très hiérar­chisée, le griot fait par­tie d’une caste à part, celle des Nya­makalas, qui se situe entre celle des Nobles et celle des Cap­tifs. Le griot était celui qui pou­vait dire ce que ce Noble ne pou­vait se per­me­t­tre de dire : il était le maître de la parole.

Musiques du Mali : les messagers - 2

Musiques du Mali : les messagers - 2 SVODVOD

Les gri­ots ne sont pas les seuls déten­teurs de la tra­di­tion musi­cale. Dans cer­taines eth­nies, les gri­ots tien­nent une place moins impor­tante, et n’importe qui, même noble, peut chanter et jouer d’un instru­ment, pour peu qu’il en ait le goût et qu’il soit doué.

L’examen ou la porte

L’examen ou la porte SVODVOD

On imag­ine mal les événe­ments de Mai-68 boule­verser les locaux et les habi­tudes de l’ENA... L’irruption d’un com­mando d’extrême droite dans l’enceinte sacro-sainte fit toute­fois sor­tir de leurs gonds les sages élèves de la pro­mo­tion Jean Jau­rès...

Les stars en Inde

Les stars en Inde SVODVOD

Il s’agit des stars du cinéma le plus pop­u­laire, celui de Bom­bay et de Madras. Leur notoriété est telle que leur nom n’apparaît pas sur les affiches gigan­tesques. Elles se doivent de tra­vailler sans arrêt pour cette pro­duc­tion la plus abon­dante du monde : 800 films par an.

Falkenau vision de l’impossible

Falkenau vision de l’impossible

Mai 1945, la célèbre « Big Red One », première division d’infanterie de l’armée américaine, livre son dernier combat en Europe dans les Sudètes en Tchécoslovaquie et libère le camp de concentration de FalkenauSamuel Fuller, alors sous les drapeaux, filme cet épisode.

The Journey

The Journey

The Journey is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 1

The Journey 1 SVODVOD

First episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 2

The Journey 2 SVODVOD

Second episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 6

The Journey 6 SVODVOD

Sixth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 7

The Journey 7 SVODVOD

Seventh episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 8

The Journey 8 SVODVOD

Eighth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 9

The Journey 9 SVODVOD

Ninth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 10

The Journey 10 SVODVOD

Tenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 11

The Journey 11 SVODVOD

Eleventh episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 12

The Journey 12 SVODVOD

Twelfth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 13

The Journey 13 SVODVOD

Thirteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 14

The Journey 14 SVODVOD

Fourteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 15

The Journey 15 SVODVOD

Fifteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

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