L’Albanie contemporaine se trouve à un moment charnière de son histoire. Ce documentaire d’animation questionne les critères qui fondent une société civile, au moment-même où elle est en train de naître.
Films produits par Films de Force Majeure
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3 Films
Société, Animation - 26 mn -
Société, Animation - 26 mn -
Contemporary Albania is at a turning point in its history. This animated documentary calls into question the criteria a civil society is grounded on, at the very moment when it is coming into existence.
The Kiss From Marseille SVODVODDVD
Société française - 52 mn -
Shocking picture. In Marseille, in 2012, Julia and Auriane, two young students, stand up to anti-gay marriage and adoption protesters, and offer a snapshot which soon became a reference in terms of anti-discrimination civic action.