14 + SD

This film is in English, but it is also available in French.
Ce film est en anglais, mais il est également disponible en version française.

An Untouchable Among the Dead (32 mn)


Tiruvikrama Mahadeva collects abandoned corpses in Bangalore, in the south of India. He earns respect for the work he does but is considered an untouchable as he touches dead bodies.
Living his life among the dead, he is paid three hundred rupees (five dollars) for each cadaver he takes to the police and which he subsequently buries in the municipal cemetery.
We travel with him in his hearse, a three-wheeler auto-rickshaw, through the streets of Bangalore, to the cemetery, to the hospital and to the colony of the so-called untouchables.
« The city of Bangalore where Mahadeva lives and works is India’s “Silicon Valley”. There are nevertheless people dying alone there and no one cares about their corpses. This film shows some of the aberrations of the society where I was born and grew up. »  Asil Rais

Original language version with English subtitles

Bangalore - Inde - Société - caste - mort

Disponibilités : SVOD VOD
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