14 + SD

This film is in English, but it is also available in French.
Ce film est en anglais, mais il est également disponible en version française.

Healing ways... (105 mn)


This is the follow up to a survey done by Jean-Yves Bilien in Volume 1
Healers, Faith, Science !
This film addresses a more global aspect of healing. Different visions and points of view on healing are presented. Spiritual healing and healing induced by thoughts are discussed. Do these women and men find their strength in love and faith ?
Meditation, Relaxation, and Qi Gong are also ways mentioned in this new volume, to let us contemplate that the solution also depends on us and on our commitment to heal ourselves.

Jean-Yves Bilien - Meditation - Qi Gong - Relaxation - healing - méditation

Disponibilités : SVOD VOD DVD
Location VOD €5.90 Louer le film
DVD Healing ways... €26.00 Acheter le DVD
Offrir la VOD €5.90 Offrir

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